Hobby Rockets

Rocketry starts here.

Hobby Rockets was started as a way to teach beginners the fundamentals of rocketry. Within the group, members are divided into teams and tasked with developing a hobby rocket. One of the certifications the club offers is the various levels of hobby rockets. If a member completes and successfully launches a hobby rocket by themselves, they receive a Level 1 certification and they are able to buy more powerful hobby rocket motors. The club attends two events a year, Tripoli Pheonix in Aguila, Arizona, and ROCstock in the Lucerne Dry Lake Bed in the Mojave Desert.

You can see more hobby rocketry pictures here.

Mentors: Chad Alumbaugh, Danny Oakes, Gavin Wellonen, Dhanush Balusa, Michael DiNisco, Kevin Wise, Michelle Arguelles, Quentin Trull, Joseph Saloman




MP-1, Kairos, Firecrest